Love. Learn. Let Go. Repeat.

Fostering an animal is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have (next to adopting, of course). By temporarily taking an animal in need into your home you are:

  • Increasing that animal’s chance of being adopted.

By fostering a dog, you are the link between them and a potential home. If you foster an animal, you have the ability to transform that shelter animal into one that anyone would be honored to have as a pet.

  • Helping Furever Rescue learn about the animal’s personality.

You will interact with your foster pet every day, learning about his/her unique personality and any behavioral issues. It’s hard to know much about an animal when he/she is living in a shelter environment with 15 other animals речные прогулки по Москве от Парка Горького. Placing an animal in foster homes helps us learn if he/she likes children, likes other animals, begs at the table, chases cats, barks when crated, hisses at dogs, knows basic commands, has high or low energy, etc. The possibilities of what a foster family will learn about an animal are unlimited.

  • You will appreciate your own animal’s good behavior.

Or maybe you will realize the foster animal is better behaved than your own pet! Your pet can be an amazing teacher for your foster animal, teaching him/her how to acclimate to life in a home.

  • You are saving an animal’s life.

Furever Rescue is almost always at capacity and we cannot take in more animals until additional foster homes open up. By taking a foster animal into your home, you actually save two lives: the life of your foster animal and the life of the animal who takes his/her place in the shelter.

  • Furever Rescue would cease to exist without foster homes.

We depend entirely on foster homes because we do not have a shelter. If it weren’t for all of our generous foster families, our rescue would cease to exist.

  • The animal gets to live with your family rather than at a shelter.

Animals get stressed in shelter conditions. Shelters are noisy with limited one-on-one interaction. The animals don’t get enough exercise, training, or socialization. With time, many animals develop psychological issues as pent-up energy, frustration, aggression, or boredom builds.

  • Volunteering makes a person feel good. Fostering an animal is a way to give back to your community. If you love animals, there is nothing more rewarding than helping a homeless pet!
  • It’s a way to help without spending much money.

If you don’t have the money to donate to animal rescues and shelters, you can donate your time by fostering. The only things you are required to provide to your foster dog are food and love.

With the help of our amazing foster families, Furever Rescue has saved nearly 100 animals in less a year! But we can’t do it without you.

Fostering an animal is not a lifetime commitment, it is a commitment to saving a life.

Have questions? Email


Foster responsibilities include the daily care and maintenance of your foster animal(s): by providing fresh food, water, and any necessary medications.

    • Provide love and support to your foster animal as he/she transitions from shelter life to home life
    • Provide a safe, clean, and caring environment
    • Provide food, water, litter, toys/enrichment, and shelter
    • Provide exercise and socialization as appropriate
    • Monitor any medical and/or behavioral issues
    • Foster parents must be willing and able to transport their foster animal to and from veterinarian appointments and adoption events
    • Foster parents should actively participate in finding their foster animal a furever home, including providing up to date pictures, behavioral information, and other information that will be important to potential adopters

For more information on becoming a foster, please email


Foster families are the life blood of Furever Rescue.  We can’t save animals without foster homes.

To assure that we make the best possible foster match for your home and family, please thoroughly fill out the attached foster application and agreement.

If/when your application to foster is approved, you will be added to our foster family group and able to pick your new foster friend.

Please email your completed foster application to

Thank you for choosing to save a life!

Feel free to talk to people – dog parks, doggie day care and posting flyers are a great way to get people talking about your foster animal and Furever Rescue!

Foster Application
Do you want to foster a specific animal or are you open to any? *
Applicant Name: *
Applicant Name:
Date of Birth: *
Date of Birth:
Co-Applicant Name:
Co-Applicant Name:
(if it applies)
Date of Birth:D
Date of Birth:D
Applicant Information:
Home Address: *
Home Address:
Home Phone Number: *
Home Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
Do you own or rent? *
Do you have homeowners or Rental Insurance? *
In order to foster we will need proof of your homeowners or renters Insurance:
PROVIDED (copy on file): *
Family/Household Information
Have all the adults in the household agreed to foster an animal? *
Have the children had pets before?
Is anyone in the household allergic to pets? *
Pet Information
Have you had pets in the past or do you currently have pets? *
Spayed or Neutered?
Spayed or Neutered?
Spayed or Neutered?
Have you ever given an animal away or relinquished an animal to a shelter? *
Do you currently have a Veterinarian? *
*If yes, Vet Information below is required
Veterinarian Information
Veterinarian's Name:
Veterinarian's Name:
Veterinarian's Phone:
Veterinarian's Phone:
Veterinarian's Address:
Veterinarian's Address:
Foster Information
Have you ever fostered for another animal welfare organization? *
What would you do if your foster pet develops a problem with:
Animal Care Experience
Please List 3 References:
Reference 1
Name: *
Phone Number: *
Phone Number:
Reference 2
Name: *
Phone Number: *
Phone Number:
Reference 3
Name: *
Phone Number: *
Phone Number:
Signatures and Agreements
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
I acknowledge that Furever Rescue has stated that this animal has:
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
(initial below to agree)
Date: *
Many Veterinarians are now requiring an authorization to release information concerning your pet(s). We would, therefore, ask that you sign the following authorization to allow us to obtain information necessary to process your application. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE MY VETERINARIAN TO RELEASE INFORMATION CONCERNING HIS/HER TREATMENT OF ANY PETS WHICH I CURRENTLY OWN OR HAVE PREVIOUSLY OWNED TO FUREVER RESCUE, FOR THE PURPOSES OF PROCESSING MY/OUR APPLICATION TO FOSTER A RESCUE ANIMAL.
(please type full name to agree to foster contract)
Date: *
Furever Rescue 211 W. Scott Street #318 Chicago, IL 60610